Tuesday, 4 February 2014

My Passion | My Photography

I thinks it's fair to say I'm pretty obsessed with photography! I love taking endless amounts of photos and editing them afterwards. I'm not brilliant but I'm getting there.

My favourite things to photograph are my pets, the horses in particular and landscapes. I use my iPhone 5 the most for everyday pictures and my camcorder for better quality. I'd love a canon 600D but I'll be saving up for quite a while! 

For me it's not the price of the camera that's important but the detail it captures and the lighting which makes or breaks a good picture. This one of James is a favourite of mine, I've  edited it using Instagram filters but that's it. 

My favourite app for editing photos is 'a beautiful mess', the filters aren't amazing but the frames and text are great especially for Instagram.

Other than that I try out all different apps and sometimes use photoshop if I have enough time 

Hope you've enjoyed a glimpse into my photography

Georgia x 

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are beautiful <3 I have a Canon 600D, it's worth saving for!
