Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Girl Online by Zoe Sugg/ Zoella | Book Review

Ok so I thought I'd do a different kind of blog today, I really want to start to personalise my blog by incorporating more of my interests. One of which is reading. Normally I don't get much time to read but lately I've been making an extra effort to put down my laptop or phone, step away from the internet and delve into a book.

Today I just just finished read Girl Online by Zoe Sugg and wanted to share my thoughts on it, like a mini review. Initially I wanted to try the book out of intrigue due the its popularity. I bought the kindle version and started reading it about a week ago.

I will say now that whilst contemporary romance is not usually a genre I enjoy or choose to read I began reading with an open mind and really wanted to enjoy the book. Which to my surprise I did! The beginning I felt was a bit slow and found the formality of the text a little juvenile but this is to be expected as it is obviously intended for a younger audience than myself. I did put the book down for a couple of days and could quite happily have not returned to it as initially I wasn't particularly enthralled. However I'm glad I did continue reading as I do think the pace of storyline quickens and becomes more interesting after the first few chapters.

I thought the book was really well written it is an interesting, if a bit predictable storyline with a few plot twists along the way. I feel it is a  very relatable book for many young teenagers and approaches many diverse topics such as panic attacks, bullying and homosexuality. The book obviously has parallels to Zoe's own life whilst remains entirely fictional and this gives it a personal depth.

If you enjoy contemporary romance this is definitely a book you'd enjoy, if not I'd still recommend it as a feel good read. It's a light and easy to read book which I enjoyed.
I'd rate the book 4/5 overall.

Hope you enjoyed this review, I'm hoping to do some more soon
Georgia x 

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Where have I been ?

Once again despite all the best intentions I have managed to neglect my blog...oops!
It has been a grand 4 months since I sat down and wrote a post so I guess I've got some explaining to do.

Anyway the main reason I have been MIA is I'v just been so busy, I  found myself having to balance A2 levels ,  looking after my menagerie of animals who keep deciding to be ill, YouTube, work experience, job hunting and then have time to fit in driving lessons. Yep pretty stressful to say the least. I did however finally passed my driving test 6 weeks ago which is pretty brilliant as I'm much more independent, but more about that later.

So faced with a humongous to do list I'am now finally getting control back of my life. Oh I have also applied for university eek, I'm applying for 3 courses my main one Veterinary Medicine then two different back ups, Bio-veterinary science and animal biology. This has meant I have been trekking around the country each weekend attending university opening days and dragging my more than underwhelmed father around with me :). Luckily I have received 3 offers so far so my parents are pretty happy as this means they are definitely getting rid of me next September!

On the other hand offers means having to get the grades and in order to do this I need to STUDY. Whilst I'm loving my A2 levels (seen as I finally got rid of physics), they are pretty hard and I'm planning on resitting two AS level modules in the hopes of boosting my grades. So well done Georgia for just piling yet more work and pressure on to the already collapsing pile! Oh well, I'm getting there my English coursework is now out of the way and I'm currently revising for my first mock exams at the end of December.

As you can image I am still running round like a headless chicken taking care of all of my pets. James our eldest horse has decided to be ill by chipping a tooth, giving us a cancer scare and having a giant cyst on his side. Luckily we managed it well and he's just as happy as ever again. One of the chickens started limping so off we went to the vets to discover she had bumble foot, which she probably got from jumping off the shelter roof, naughty KFC. Oh and the receptionist got slightly offended by our comical naming of our chickens (KFC, Korma, Ticka and Madras), she's  a lovely lady but slightly sensitive at times we discovered. Finally Milo our dog has got an ear infection which again led us to the vets to face a slightly less disgruntled receptionist!

My YouTube account has also taken a good chunk of my time as I really want to improve my channel now it's growing so much. I've worked really hard to improve my camera quality and now I want to upload as much as possible so I'm working on some really exciting things (but sshhsh its a secret).

I've also been pretty busy popping here, there and everywhere trying to scrape together as much work experience as possible, again the whole wanting to go to university thing. So I'm currently volunteering at the RSPCA which is amazing to get to help such a brilliant charity and cuddle cute animals in the mean time. Well its more cleaning up and walking but that's great fun too.

However volunteer work doesn't pay very well, well not at all at it happens! So this leads to my next point (see the nice transition there). I need a job, mainly because my car is a money eating, bank balance demolishing, constant fuel consuming machine that also likes me to pay ridiculous amounts in insurance! I've got to add here my parents have been brilliant in helping me with this and with out them I would have no car so a massive thanks to them. However as my car enables me to be more independent I want/need a job. So far I have applied for more jobs than I would like to count and have received two interviews. I've got my second interview for a job on Thursday so fingers crossed all goes well!

My final point (you'll be relieved to hear), is that I passed my test which I think it pretty awesome and 6 weeks on I'm still chuffed with myself. I hated driving lessons, they dragged soo much and I didn't really see driving round the town centre for two hours a very productive use of my time. However that is all over, I passed and I'm finally free to go where I want, when I want. This makes life so much easier for me as living in the middle of nowhere being able to drive is pretty essential.

Anyway thats all I've got to say for now, well done if you've managed to make it to this point in my essay of a blog post and hopefully I'll upload a bit sooner next time!

Georgia x

Saturday, 12 July 2014

Equestrian Tag | 5 Questions

I've wanted to do a tag like this for a while on YouTube but haven't got round to filming it so I thought I'd do a blog post instead. I'm sure there are similar tags around but here is my own version.

1. Do you own/loan a horse/s ?
Yes I own 3 horses and 2 ponies

2. How long have you been riding ?
I've been riding 17 years, my entire life. I first sat on my pony James at 5 days old and began actually riding in a basket saddle as soon as I could sit up on my own!

3. Do you compete & when was your first competition ?
I do but not as much as I would like to. I only do occasional local shows at the moment due to being so busy and  non of the horses are fit at the minute. I'm hoping to start show jumping again later this summer.

My first competition was a local show when I was 2 years old. Me and James entered three classes on the lead rein with my mum and got placed first in all three! James did kick the judge when he tried to put the sash on him though causing me to nearly fall off (naughty pony).

4. What's your favourite thing about riding ?
I love the connection between horse and rider. The complete dependence on the horse and the trust both horse and rider must have in each other. If I'm honest riding is like flying to me, its magical and is my escape from the real world.

5. What's your funniest horse moment ?
There are lots! But my personal favourite has to be when me and Taffy accidentally jumped over my trainer as she was putting the jump up! I'd already set towards it when she decided to make it higher and well there was no stopping Taffy so we merrily sailed over the top of her head! She wasn't too pleased!

hope you enjoyed, 
Georgia x

I'm Back With A New Channel

Long time, no see!
Well I've not exactly been brilliant at uploading blog posts recently but I'm hoping to make more of an effort with my blog especially as I have officially launched my new YouTube channel Georgia Ellie!

Here's my very first video:

I'm so excited to finally have started Georgia Ellie, I'd been toying with the idea for a while but was reluctant in case no one was interested but I knew it would be something I would enjoy filming, so even if only 10 people watch my videos I'll be happy :)

I'm hoping to start a filming and uploading schedule but want to see if I can stick to one prior to declaring what it will be! Oh and I will try to blog more as well !!!

That's all for now, 
Georgia x 

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Easter Summary

I hope you all had a lovely Easter and ate far too much chocolate!
I must admit I've loved my two weeks off and have spent most of it with family and friends. I have also finally had chance to go shopping and buy a few bits and bobs. As you would have seen from my YouTube hauls.

But just in case you've missed them here is what I bought:

I also bought myself some new foundation, concealer and lip balm which I'm hoping to upload reviwes on soon. 
A lot of this week has been spent revising seen an my exams are less than a month away now!!!! :( 
But I have squeezed in plenty of time with the pets and horses so they don't feel abandoned. Hopefully I'll manage to get a few more blog posts up before I'm back at sixth form.
Georgia x 

Friday, 18 April 2014

Review: Jazooli 15 concealer pallete

I mentioned this product in my haul a while ago, and I'm glad to say it hasn't disappointed. Now 15 concealers for £4.98 is a bargain any day and so my expectations for the quality weren't exactly high. Ok the packagings a bit cheap and not so cheerful and  I'd never heard of the brand Jazooli but actually the concealers are pretty good. They are quite pigmented and are easy to blend. I originally bought the palette to see if it was any good for contouring and I must admit it's made its way into my daily routine. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a cheap starter palette.

Overall I rate this product a 7/10, I wouldn't repurchase it as I think it's a brillant begineers palette and want to try some similar products.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Get to know me tag | 25 questions

I feel like I need to make my channel more personal (as well as posting more) so I've found a tag that does just that! Hopefully this tag will allow you to get to know a bit more about me!

1. Do you have a middle name?
Yes, it's Ellie! Hence my blog name
2. What was your favourite subject in school?
This is really hard! it would have to be between Chemistry and Biology  
3. What's your favourite drink?
Hmm I love anything citrus or probably hot chocolate 
4. What's your favourite song at the moment?

Say Something by A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera
5. What would you name your children?
For a girl I wanted Lily but my sister stole that! So I'm not sure now, for a boy I like Freddy or Oscar6. 
Do you participate in any sports?
Yes, horse riding mainly but I also like netball
7. What's your favourite book?
 ooh that's a hard one! Im currently reading and loving The Hunger Games so it would have to be that at the moment 
8. What's your favourite colour?
Turquoise, I love it and am currently in search of a perfect turquoise ring
9. What's your favourite animal?
The Horse, definitely they're amazing creatures 
10. What's your favorite perfume?

Viva La Juicy La Fleur by Juicy Couture
11. What's your favourite holiday?
Christmas!!! It's such a magical time of year and I love spending time with all my family12. Have you graduated from High School?
I realise this is American but I'll sort of answer it. I left high school last year and I am currently doing my AS levels at sixth form
13. Have you been out of the country?
Yes, quite a few times, I love holidays and travelling14. Do you speak any other languages?
I did Spanish at GCSE but I only got a C as I guessed all the answers in the exam!
15. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have a sister who is 9 years older than me 
16. What's your favourite store?
Primark because I can actually afford things! I also really like new look at the moment :)17. What's your favourite restaurant?
Nando's!!! I know its pretty expensive but it's soooo good 
18. Do you like school?
 I do! I don't like all the hard work and exams but I enjoy learning :)
19. Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?
I have a real mixture I like popular channels like A sprinkle of glitter and Zoella. I also like pet videos by Chloe Murray (as well as her non pet vids) and MyPamperedPets etc... 

20. What's your favourite movie? 
Again The Hunger Games! 
21. What are some of your favourite TV shows?
I LOVE soaps! Give me eastenders any day22. PC or Mac?
I've only ever owned a PC :( I'd love a mac and have bee wanting one for years
23. What phone do you have?
Iphone 5 white 
24. How tall are you?
 5'3 approximately I'm a short arse!
25. Any pets? 
Yes,quite a few so here goes *takes deep breathe*... I have 3 horses, 2 ponies, 2 dogs, 3 rabbits and a guinea pig. If you'd like to know more I've done a post on them here.

Finally a week off !

It's half term for me this week yippee! I'm exhausted after my mock exGams and really need a break after being pretty ill as well.  Plus free time equals more videos and blog posts :)

So what plans do I have ? Well basically to make as much money as possible as I'm broke and the rabbit shed needs the roof repairing as well as the fact I need to start saving my driving lessons :/ 
My plan was to sell things online but what ? I'm stuck for ideas and don't have enough time to make and sell things like I would normally so I'm riding friends horses and doing jobs for money.

Being 16 nearly 17 and not having a job is pretty rubbish. I mean I'd love a job but really don't have time for one as I need to volunteer to get work experience for uni and iv applied for every job under the sun that involves animals (so it'll count towards my required work experience) but nothing has come of it :( 

Next task, improve the rabbit shed with what little money I have. For those of you who don't watch my videos my rabbits live in a 12x13ft shed me and my grandad built over the summer and well the storms we've had have recently have basically ripped all the felt off the roof so it's leaky and wet. So that needs fixing as well as possible. 

Finally I need to try and relax. I'm exhausted and really need some R&R. As do the  horses, my mums been great and taken over for me when Iv been busy at sixth form but my horses are craving my attention and plenty of grooming so I better spend some time with them too. Oh what I'd give for a week of peace !

Georgia x

A day in my life

I love watching and reading about people's lives and everyday routines (I'm nosey like that) so I thought I'd share a typical day in my life on days I'm not at school.

The video takes you through my day and as you can imagine revolves mainly around my pets, especially my horses. I hope you like the video and the small insight into my life. 

Georgia x 

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Small Make Up Haul

I popped into Asda for a couple of things and ended up wandering over to the make-up isle and well this happened!

Oops! I'm trying to save up but I couldn't resist plus it's only six things so not a lot really. I bought a QVS concealer and foundation brush £6.98, collection illuminating touch brightening concealer in naked £4.98, George pore-fect primer £3.00, Rimmel London colour rush  lip balm in give me a cuddle £5.98, collection pressed powder £1.98, Rimmel London stay matte primer £5.98. That's a total of £28.90 (*worries about dwindling bank balance*)

I also purchased the 15 concealer palette from Groupon for only £4.98 inc. p&p !

I included a pic of the rimmel colour rush (bottom left) and a swatch from the palette (bottom right). The palette is from Jazooli and seems quite good for the price.

I'll upload reviews on all the products I've bought once I've used them all a few times. Hope you liked this small beauty haul.

Georgia x

Friday, 14 February 2014

Revision | My Tips, Tricks & Schedule

This week has been pretty stress full (minor under statement there) as I've had all my mock exams ! AS level is a big jump from GCSE and for someone used to getting good grades I've found it pretty difficult.
Any way I thought I'd post about my revision process and my approach seen as this blog is supposed to be life based.

The most important thing for me is my schedule,  I like to start the day with writing out a time plan on my little whiteboard. I NEVER actually stick to it but it allows me to partition my time into manageable chunks and helps me visualise the time I have to spent on each topic.

Secondly are my flip cards or revision cards what ever you wish to call them. These are my saviour approaching exams. I sit down with the syllabus for my subject and write everything I need to know. (I also colour coordinate them but more about that later.) Once I've written everything out I reread what iv put highlighting anything I need to go over in more detail.

The next step is making pretty posters. I make huge colourful posters with any specific things I need to get my head around / remember. If I'm really struggling to grasp something this really helps as I'm constantly sat at my desk so I read the posters pretty much daily.

My most essential part of revising has to be my beloved fine-liner pens, without colour coordinating and pretty things I'd lose all interest! There is no way I could sit looking at a black and white mind map and remember it. Colours help me distinguish different subjects ( I'm a bit OCD like that).

A little tip for anyone struggling to memorise something, get a laminator! I write questions on sticky notes or on A4 sheets then laminate it and I can answer it over and over until I know the answer off by heart. I was doing the structural shapes of molecules for chemistry in my pic.

Breaks are also a big part of keeping stamina when revising I try to fit a 10 minute break in every hour and give myself at least half an hour for lunch.

My breaks usually consist of taking the dogs for a walk or if I'm really stressed a run. I also like to take my camera and take a few pics, but I have to be careful not to get carried away and keep an eye on the time.
These pics are from last weekends revision session featuring Milo my dog, branches of the trees, James the pony and a snowdrop in the grass.

Food breaks are a must without my cuppa and healthy snacks I'd have no energy after a few hours. I tend to buy little fruit packs to save me having to cut up fruit to save time. I don't like eating junk food like crisps or anything since I'm sat down for most of the day doing work. Don't want to feel guilty as well, I've got enough stress with revising.

That's all Iv been up to really (what an exciting life I lead)! Hoping to have a relaxing weekend after such a stressful week.
Georgia x

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

My Passion | My Photography

I thinks it's fair to say I'm pretty obsessed with photography! I love taking endless amounts of photos and editing them afterwards. I'm not brilliant but I'm getting there.

My favourite things to photograph are my pets, the horses in particular and landscapes. I use my iPhone 5 the most for everyday pictures and my camcorder for better quality. I'd love a canon 600D but I'll be saving up for quite a while! 

For me it's not the price of the camera that's important but the detail it captures and the lighting which makes or breaks a good picture. This one of James is a favourite of mine, I've  edited it using Instagram filters but that's it. 

My favourite app for editing photos is 'a beautiful mess', the filters aren't amazing but the frames and text are great especially for Instagram.

Other than that I try out all different apps and sometimes use photoshop if I have enough time 

Hope you've enjoyed a glimpse into my photography

Georgia x 

GeorgiaEllie97 on Instagram

Iv finally got an Instagram for my blog and youtube! It'll basically be a mix of all sorts but I'd really appreciate it if you could follow me :

Here's a sneak peek at my first photo: 

I'll be uploading a haul onto youtube shortly as well as possibly doing a post on it ! 

Monday, 3 February 2014

My Passion | My Pets

Here's another insight into the things I'm passionate about, you've met my horses in my previous post so I thought I'd introduce to my others pets if you don't already know them from youtube.

My Dogs

We've had our two rescue dogs for nearly a year now. We got them from a brilliant rescue in Leeds, they were both strays from separate homes and the rescue paired them up. They now spend most of their day running around our 5 acres or sleeping in front of the fire.

 Milo is our 2 year old Great Dane x German shepherd, he's a big boy but is so well behaved and gentle. I'm hoping to do a bit of agility with him in the summer, he's done obedience so I'd like to teach him some more tricks.

Dusty is my little Staffordshire bull terrier cross. She's 18 months old and a naughty little pup! She's a  cheeky dog and is always up to mischief but she's my best bud and loves cuddles. She's not exactly obedient but will do anything for a treat.

My Rabbits 

My rabbits currently live in my 13x12ft shed that me and my grandad built. I have three at the minute , one pair and rain on his own.

Aurora and Ariel are two sister that I adopted from BARC. They are very different girls, Ariel is the smaller, quicker and general bossy bun. She's much more forward and inquisitive than Aurora who is quite quiet but a cuddly bun. They're sensitive girls who prefer to be left alone unless you have food ! 

Rain is my latest addition, I got him off gumtree and he's currently living on his own as he's yet to be neutered but once he's been done I will be adopting a wifey bun to keep him company. Rain is a lovely lad, he's super friendly and hops onto my knee for a cuddle whenever I go to see him. He loves  coming inside for free range time so I'm sure he'd make a brilliant house rabbit.

Guinea pig

Unfortunately I now only have one guinea pig left after Pepsi passed away on Saturday, we believe from old age. I had her since she was a baby so am finding it hard without her. 
Fidget is left and lost without her but he's eating and coming out for cuddles.
He's a lovely boy but unfortunate has a large lump on his rump which has been seen by my vet who has decided to leave it as he's still happy and eating and in no apparent pain.

R.I.P Pepsi

Good night,  God bless x 

Friday, 24 January 2014

My Passion | My Horses

I thought a good start to this blog would be to give you an idea about me and the things I'm passionate about. By far my biggest passion is my horses! I've horse mad and proud! I've had ponies since being little and currently own 3 horses and two ponies.

Danny & Lucy

These two pretty much come as a package. Their complete opposites but love each other to bits. Danny is technically my mums horse but as he's a show jumper and as my mum hates jumping, I jump him. He's a dutch KWPN and stands at 16.3hh so he's a pretty big boy. He's 12 years old and a gentlemen in the arena but pretty spooky out hacking. He's a school master when it comes to jumping and will jump anything you put in front of him with out even changing pace.

Lucy is the only girl and baby of the group. She's a 4 year old Irish sports horse and currently stands at 16.2hh. She's a really sweety, if a bit dozy and clumsy! She's behind in her riding due to a knee defect meaning she couldn't be worked for a year but she's getting there.


He is my absolute baby! Taffy is nearly 20! and only dinky at 14hh. He's a welsh section C cob, liver chestnut. He's a cheeky boy with a giant attitude but is so good to handle and ride. He's an absolute dream, he hacks, jumps, does dressage and will do a bit of cross country. I love him to bits, he's such a special lad and I have so many great memories with this pony.


This cheeky boy is 21 years young, my mums had him since he was 6 months old (so before me ) and she rescued him from going to France for meat. He's a bugger but I cherish him. James is a dartmoor pony and super dinky as he's only 11.2hh. He was my first pony and the one who made me fall in love with riding (and taught me to hang on) ! He's a super lad and is retired due to his age and chronic laminitis.


What can I say? Archie is basically the odd ball, well non of them are exactly normal but this ones something else. He's a great horse with a crazy attitude. He's 15 hh and a welch x thoroughbred, aged 15. Archie thinks he's human, he hates all other horses (especially his arch rival James) and I'm pretty sure would live in our house if he could. He can be fantastic to ride or he can be an absolute arse ( basically will bronk until your off his back) depending on how the mood takes him! He's a quirky lad but we still love loads.

I hope this wasn't too long and now you have an insight into my neddys and their personality. 

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Finally starting my blog !

To be honest I'm pretty nervous, 2014 is the year I've finally plucked up the courage to put a face to my name on youtube and I'm loving it. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing but I love the journey of learning. Like right now I'm sat writing this blog and have no idea how to edit and make it look half decent but I'm sure I'll crack it at some point.

So enough rambling, why am I doing this ? Why all of a sudden have I decided to start blogging and vlogging? Well I love it, I'm forever watching vlogs on youtube and reading peoples corresponding blogs. I'm into makeup and fashion as well as general life and animals. I'm also looking for a release from school work and constant A level essays !

So Im Georgia, I do pet videos and now vlogs on youtube as lilpetchannel. I'm 16, 17 in May and have a pretty normal life getting on with my AS levels at sixth form and riding my horses.
I hope this makes some sort of sense. 
