It has been a grand 4 months since I sat down and wrote a post so I guess I've got some explaining to do.
Anyway the main reason I have been MIA is I'v just been so busy, I found myself having to balance A2 levels , looking after my menagerie of animals who keep deciding to be ill, YouTube, work experience, job hunting and then have time to fit in driving lessons. Yep pretty stressful to say the least. I did however finally passed my driving test 6 weeks ago which is pretty brilliant as I'm much more independent, but more about that later.
So faced with a humongous to do list I'am now finally getting control back of my life. Oh I have also applied for university eek, I'm applying for 3 courses my main one Veterinary Medicine then two different back ups, Bio-veterinary science and animal biology. This has meant I have been trekking around the country each weekend attending university opening days and dragging my more than underwhelmed father around with me :). Luckily I have received 3 offers so far so my parents are pretty happy as this means they are definitely getting rid of me next September!
On the other hand offers means having to get the grades and in order to do this I need to STUDY. Whilst I'm loving my A2 levels (seen as I finally got rid of physics), they are pretty hard and I'm planning on resitting two AS level modules in the hopes of boosting my grades. So well done Georgia for just piling yet more work and pressure on to the already collapsing pile! Oh well, I'm getting there my English coursework is now out of the way and I'm currently revising for my first mock exams at the end of December.
As you can image I am still running round like a headless chicken taking care of all of my pets. James our eldest horse has decided to be ill by chipping a tooth, giving us a cancer scare and having a giant cyst on his side. Luckily we managed it well and he's just as happy as ever again. One of the chickens started limping so off we went to the vets to discover she had bumble foot, which she probably got from jumping off the shelter roof, naughty KFC. Oh and the receptionist got slightly offended by our comical naming of our chickens (KFC, Korma, Ticka and Madras), she's a lovely lady but slightly sensitive at times we discovered. Finally Milo our dog has got an ear infection which again led us to the vets to face a slightly less disgruntled receptionist!
My YouTube account has also taken a good chunk of my time as I really want to improve my channel now it's growing so much. I've worked really hard to improve my camera quality and now I want to upload as much as possible so I'm working on some really exciting things (but sshhsh its a secret).
I've also been pretty busy popping here, there and everywhere trying to scrape together as much work experience as possible, again the whole wanting to go to university thing. So I'm currently volunteering at the RSPCA which is amazing to get to help such a brilliant charity and cuddle cute animals in the mean time. Well its more cleaning up and walking but that's great fun too.
However volunteer work doesn't pay very well, well not at all at it happens! So this leads to my next point (see the nice transition there). I need a job, mainly because my car is a money eating, bank balance demolishing, constant fuel consuming machine that also likes me to pay ridiculous amounts in insurance! I've got to add here my parents have been brilliant in helping me with this and with out them I would have no car so a massive thanks to them. However as my car enables me to be more independent I want/need a job. So far I have applied for more jobs than I would like to count and have received two interviews. I've got my second interview for a job on Thursday so fingers crossed all goes well!
My final point (you'll be relieved to hear), is that I passed my test which I think it pretty awesome and 6 weeks on I'm still chuffed with myself. I hated driving lessons, they dragged soo much and I didn't really see driving round the town centre for two hours a very productive use of my time. However that is all over, I passed and I'm finally free to go where I want, when I want. This makes life so much easier for me as living in the middle of nowhere being able to drive is pretty essential.
Anyway thats all I've got to say for now, well done if you've managed to make it to this point in my essay of a blog post and hopefully I'll upload a bit sooner next time!
Georgia x